Blogging : 15 business blogging mistakes ( Part 4)

Publishing off-topic content

  Your blog is unorganized, all over the place, and lacks a concrete, unified theme.

  Without a clearly defined purpose and focus, your blog will suffer. If you’re expecting to generate a community of subscribers, readers, and fans that you’re hoping to someday nurture into paying customers, you need to give them a reason to keep coming back. There’s no doubt about it: people like guarantees. When people visit HubSpot’s Internet Inbound Marketing Blog, for example, they come to find resources about inbound marketing because that’s what the focus of the blog is. Over time, that’s what they’ve come to expect.

  It’s about time you decided on a focus/topic for your blog. Spend some time figuring out what that is, and keep that focus in mind every time you create blog content.

Tips for defining your blog’s focus :

  1. Think about the goals of your blog. What are you trying to accomplish by publishing a blog?
  2. Generate a list of keywords that describe your industry, products, or services, and see if that helps you come up with a focal point. 
  3. Is there a specific industry-related topic on which you or your business can share expertise or knowledge? 
  4. What does your audience want? Ultimately, you’re trying to attract a certain audience for your blog. Think about the persona(s) of your ideal customers and consider what information they might be looking for that might lead them to your blog, and ultimately, your product/ service offering.

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